FAB16 + Fab City Summit Montréal, world events in 2021:

Positioning Montréal at the heart of the eco-industrial transformation of the Americas.

Montréal has been chosen to host two world conferences at the heart of the movement for economic and social transformation, from August 9 to 15, 2021:

Geometric Pattern 1 Fab City Context
Geometric Pattern 2 Fab City Context

The FAB16

16th International Conference of Fab Labs

FAB16 Logo

New technologies have opened up the possibilities of more local, digital and circular production. They contribute to the manufacture of goods and services, coupled with a demand that is being disrupted by the rapid transformation of our lifestyles and growing environmental awareness. We are entering a transition to a new industrial cycle where the city can once again become a high-potential production area.

Fab City’s strategy is to create a new production ecosystem to act in the face of the growing impacts of globalization and offer citizens the means to innovate and produce locally, so that they are actively engaged in the transformation of their cities. Local governments and civic organizations, startups, universities and other organizations are called upon to work together to enable a cultural change that can strengthen the emancipation of cities and citizens.

the International Fab City Conference

Fab City Summit Montréal Logo

The Fab City initiative emerges from and works in close proximity to the international Fab Labs network, a steadily growing ecosystem of more than 2,000 digital manufacturing labs in over 126 countries, studying the future of materials, citizenship, manufacturing and entrepreneurship. The global Fab City movement takes the ideals of the Fab Lab – connectivity, culture and creativity – and brings them to the scale of the city. It helps municipal leaders develop productive cities at the local level, working with local communities, businesses and institutions, revitalizing manufacturing infrastructure and stimulating a new economy.

Fab Lab innovations provide connected solutions to concrete city problems, opening up opportunities for business, research, education and territorial development.

Fab Labs and Labs friends of the Montréal region

The first local actors who have already expressed their commitment


La Direction des bibliothèques de Montréal

Chantier de l’économie sociale

Centre international de transfert d’innovations et de connaissances en économie sociale et solidaire

Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en opérationnalisation du développement durable


Institut EDDEC

Collectif ville autrement (UQAM)

Chaire de recherche en culture Maker de l’Université Concordia

Institut Milieu pour l’art, la culture et la technologie de l’Université Concordia

Groupe de recherche des Chercheur.e.s en responsabilité sociale et en développement durable de l’UQÀM

Quartier de l’innovation

Le réseau des Fab Labs et labs amis du Québec

Linéaire Design

Arbre Évolution


Percolab Coop

La Pépinière, Espaces collaboratifs

La Société de développement commercial (SDC) District Central


Réseau québécois de Villes et Villages en santé (RQVVS)

Map of Fab Labs in the Montreal region