Fab decision making for Fab Cities

Interactive talk, you will discover 5 ways to approach decision making with more discernment and joy.

Social practices of togetherness are foundational for us to flow together well, in teams, in communities, in nature. Decision making is one area that can trip us up when social conditioning, power dynamics or trauma show up. In this interactive talk, you will discover 5 ways to approach decision making with more discernment and joy.

*Conference in French

An initiative from

Samantha Slade, Participatory leadership, Percolab Coop
Social and conscious entrepreneur, author of Going Horizontal (Berrett-Koehler publishers) and TedX Geneva speaker on The Future is in Business as Commons. Based in Montréal, Samantha supports organizations and communities throughout the world to operate more horizontally towards a just future, within planetary limits. Understanding that quality listening and human connection are foundational to face our many challenges, Samantha cocreated the game Listen for.. Her work is grounded in her studies in cultural anthropology and an exploration of living with multiple worldviews.


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To note

-1h00 Register here

June 16, 12:00-13:00 p.m.

Plaza 55, 55 rue de Louvain Ouest, Montréal

Samantha Slade, e-mail sam@percolab.com