Distributed manufacture of a neighborhood bench

Presentation at the launch of the documentary Remix ta chaise

In 2021, Montréal joined the Fab City movement, a commitment to relocate everything we consume locally by 2054. The District Central is gearing up for an emblematic, long-term change. Landscaping, greening, sustainable development that will enable us to move from an industrial sector to a green business district. This combination has led us to prototype the Fab City in the District Central. We’re sharing a public bench project from the Remix ta chaise initiative, at the Fab City Campus of 2021, circular economy and distributed manufacturing between several District Central actors.

The project stakeholders :

Annie Ferlatte, Rino Coté, Francois Auclair : from échofab, the Fab Lab de Communautique

Alain Martel from Tak Design

Colin Miquet and his team from Bois Urbain

André DesRochers from André DesRochers ébéniste

Michel Ferlatte – Hobbiste de bois

Matériaux – Symbiose industrielle from USIMM

An initiative from

échofab, Communautique’s multidisciplinary atelier located in the heart of the District Central, is a digital fabrication laboratory (Fab Lab) that brings together the strengths of several sectors (digital manufacturing, education in scientific and technical skills, sustainable development, business support actors) who articulate together an innovative offer to stimulate the emergence of innovative entrepreneurial projects in green and digital economy.


Photo credits :

To note


June 15 5.15 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Plaza 55, 55 de Louvain Street West, Montréal

Annie Ferlatte, e-mail annie.ferlatte@communautique.quebec